So my family woke up early today to watch the Lunar Eclipse. For one it was super early and I thought about turning my alarm off when it went off. But I didn’t. I got out a bed and found the best place in our home to watch so we could stay warm. 😉 I mean it is way warmer in Idaho right now but still not super warm at 4:30 am. That’s right I said 4:30 am. So if I look like a zombie today. You now know why. 😉 Anyways we started watching and the clouds were kind of over the moon but we could still see it. As the Eclipse got closer we noticed all of the clouds disappeared and there was not a cloud in sight. I decided to pull out my camera and just see what I could get. Keep in mind I have never shot at night before so this was kind of a stretch for me. haha But it was so fun to give it a go. Never be scared to try something new. Now if you don’t here from me for a bit I am taking a nap. haha Hope everyone has a great day.
-Jolie West Photography