These kids are not only super cute but they are also super sweet!  Photographing children is always so fun.  Lost of times I get to be super goofy and silly without getting strange looks.  Oh let’s face it I still get lots of strange looks. hahaha  Have you ever noticed how much energy children have?  When I photograph children I love feeding off some of that energy.  It is awesome!


I have found that in order for me to continue to grow as a photographer I have to venture out and explore new things and new ways of doing them.

 Here are a few of my fun shoots I have been doing.  I feel so blessed to be able to continue to grow and learn.

Huge thanks to the other master mind in control, Jen Dixon and all our models for be part and letting us sit back and just have a little fun. 🙂

This family just makes me smile!  They are so amazing and so sweet and I am so spoiled to be part of their lives.

What a blessing it is to be able to rub sholders with them and watch as their children grow far to fast.

It doesn’t take long before we blink and then they are all grow up on us.  😉