Baby Braxten was so sweet when he came in for his session.  I could tell right off that this little guy was loved. 😉  Dad is a huge football fan so we thought it fitting to get some shots with Braxten and a football.  He loved it!  Please note that he was safe at all times.  Mom or dad and sometimes both had eyes and hands close by at all times.

<3 Jolie West Photography

I have been so spoiled with all of these amazing babies. 😉

I love my job so much and being able to play with these sweet little ones just makes it 100x better. 😉

 This little gal is Callie.  Her mom answered one of my model calls.

 I had no idea I was going to be so spoiled when she came in.  She was a master poser and so mellow. 😉 

Oh how I loved little Elle!  Her hair was the most amazing hair I have ever seen.

She came to this word with her own beautiful highlights. 😉

She was as cute as they come and so sweet.
I love shots with moms and saving that moment of how small your little ones are.

They will only fit in your arms like this for so long.  They grow so fast so this is a special moment for me when I can preserve that moment.To book your session with me contact me at: or 208-240-8406